Q1. Why is it comfortable to lift a school bag with broad straps than thin straps?
Answer: Pressure is inversely proportional to area. Since broader straps have greater area, so, the pressure decreases.

Q2. Why do mountaineers suffer from nose bleeding at high altitudes?
Answer: At high altitude, the atmospheric pressure is decreases. Since pressure of the blood inside the mountaineer is high, the nose starts bleeding.

Q3. Why is easier to hammer a sharp nail into wood than a blunt one?
Answer: We know that,
                Pressure= Force/Area.    So, when we hammer a sharp nail, the force acts on a smaller area which exerts greater pressure on the nail.

Q4. Why are caterpillar tracks used in battle tanks instead of tyres?
Answer: In battle tanks, caterpillar tracks is used because to increase the area of contact. As a result they can even cross sinking grounds as the pressure exerted on the ground is less.

Q5. Give two examples of situations in which you push or pull to change the state of motion of objects?
Answer: Pull: when we open a drawer, when we draw a bucket of water from a well.
Push: when a batsman hitting a ball, moving a loaded cart.

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