
Showing posts with the label standard-9-maths-extra-questions

Polynomials (CBSE) Class 9

(1) Which of the following expression is a polynomial of one variable? (i) x+5/x+5   (ii) 5 √ x+4x+7   (iii) √ 5x ² +x-5   (iv) x ⁴ +y ² +6

Factorization of polynomials

Polynomial : Let x be a variable (literal), n be a positive integer and a ˳ , a ₁ , a ₂ , a ₃ ......a n be constants (real numbers). Then a n xᶯ  + a n-1 . xᶯ⁻¹ + a n-2 . xᶯ⁻² + a₁x + a₀   is known as a polynomial in variable x. We use the notations like f(x), h(x), g(x) to denote polynomial in variable x.