Sound Class 8 Physics || Solved Paper

Sound Physics Class 8 : CBSE solved paper with question , helps in solve NCERT problem.
Question 1:  name the factor on which pitch of a sound depend? Explain giving some examples.
Answer:   Pitch of sound depend on frequency. If the frequency of vibration is more than  the produce sound has a higher pitch. If the frequency of vibration is lesser, than the produce sound has a lower pitch. Women sound is shriller than man because sound of women has higher frequency then a man.

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Question 2: Write the difference between noise and music?
Answer:   Unpleasant sounds are called noise whereas music is a sound, which produces pleasant sensation. But, if the musical sound is too loud, it becomes noise.



1. Pleasant sound is music.

1. Unpleasant sound is noise

2. It produce due to periodic vibration

2. It produced due to random vibration

3. Example: sound of guitar sitar

3. Sound of crackers

Question 3: Write the audi
ble range of frequencies for human beings?
Answer:   The range of audible frequencies is roughly between 20 to 20,000 Hz.

Question 4:  What do you mean by noise pollution? Write the major causes of noise pollution?
Answer:   Presence of excessive or unwanted sounds due to irregular frequencies in the atmosphere is called noise pollution.

Major causes of noise pollution are (I)sounds of vehicles, (ii) explosions including bursting of crackers,(iii) sound of  machines in industry, (IV) sound of aeroplane in airport (v) sound of vehicles (vi) sound of loudspeakers.

Question 5:  Name the factor on which loudness of sound depend? How do sound depend on it?
Answer: loudness of sound depend on amplitude.
Loudness of sound is proportional to the square of the amplitude of vibration producing the sound. For example, if the amplitude becomes twice the loudness increases 4 times.
Question 6:  How can the noise pollution be controlled in a residential area?
Answer:  To control noise pollution in local area we should follow these steps:
(i)  industries which produce lot of noise should be set up away from local areas.
(ii)  we should minimise the use of pounds of automobile.
(iii) TV and music systems should be run at lower volumes.
(iv)  Plants must be planted along the roads and around buildings to minimize the harmful effects of noise pollution.

Question 7: It is found that tabla with loose membrane does buy beds at lower pitch but tabla with tight membrane does vibrate with higher pitch ---why?
Answer: Because tablet loosened membrane vibrate with lower frequency as a result pick his lower but the Tabla with tight membrane vibrate with higher frequency, show producer speech is higher
Question 8: write the harmfulness of noise pollution?
Answer: (i)Lack of sleep, (ii)high blood pressure,  (iii) anxiety and many more health disorders are  caused by noise pollution.
 if a  person is exposed to a loud sound continuously may get temporary or even permanent deafness.
Question 9:  Define pitch of the sound?
Answer: it is the characteristics of sound by which we can differ Asal songs from a flat sound having same loudness. Pitch of a sound depend on frequency.
Question 10: What is called musical sound?
Answer: the sound which is produced due to periodic vibration and pleasant to our ears is called music. Such as sound produced by guitar.

Question 11:  What are radio waves?
   The types of waves which needed no medium to travel is called radio waves or Electromagnetic wave
Question 12:  Write the usefulness of ultrasound?

Answer:   (I) ultrasound is used to detect flaws in metals and structures in industries
(ii) ultrasound is used to  test the thickness of outer parts in industries
(iii) ultrasound is used in diagnostic tool in medical science

Question 13:  A Veena player tunes his instrument before a concert. What is this tuning all about ?
Answer:  Because when he died the string, the tighter string will vibrate faster to produce high pitch of the sound while reverse will happen if he loosens string. Tuning of stringed musical instrument means tightening  or loosening the strings with the help of pegs provided in it.

16. How does an ultrasound machine help us to detecting pregnancy or tumor?

Answer:  Ultrasonic sound waves have frequency higher than 20000 Hz and are used to investigate structures inside human body. These waves can penetrate human tissue and get reflected back. The reflected rays from the tissues are interpreted by the ultrasound machine and shown on the monitor. Buy display ultrasound help us to detecting pregnancy or tumor.

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