Sound and Reflection of Sound || Class 8 MCQ

    Chapter Sound and Reflection of sound
       Objective:  Multiple choice Questions For Class VIII Science Solve question answer

Question 1:  name the medium in which sound travels slower?
(A) Solid                                     (B) Liquid
(C) Gas                                      (D) None of these
Answer: the medium in which sound Travels slower is gas.

Question 2: When sound wave propagate from West to east, then in which direction do the particles of air move?
(A) West -east                       (B) North - south
(C) Up and down                         (D) None of these
Answer: when sound waves propagate from west to east, then the particles of air move in west to east

Question 3:  The unit of quantity on which pitch of the sound depends is :
(A) Hertz                                    (B) metre
(C) metre/second                        (D) second
Answer: the unit of quantity on which pitch of the sound depends is Hertz.

Question 4: Write the name of short duration wave?
(A) Pulse                                    (B) Frequency
(C) Time period                           (D) Velocity
Answer: the name of short duration where is pulse.

Question 5  Write the velocity of sound in water at room temperature?
(A) 1500 m/s                              (B) 330 m/s
(C) 1500 km/s                             (D) 330 km/s
Answer: The velocity of sound in water at room temperature is 1500 m/s.

Question 6. What is the unit of loudness?
(A) metre                                   (B) Hertz
(C) metre/second                        (D) second
Answer: the unit of loudness is metre.

Question 7. Which type of wave the sound wave is :
(A) transverse                             (B) longitudinal
(C) electromagnetic                      (D) radio waves
Answer: the sound wave is longitudinal wave

Question 8. Sound waves in air are :
(A) Longitudinal waves                  (B) Radio waves
(C) Transverse waves                            (D) Electromagnetic waves
Answer: sound waves in air is longitudinal.

Question 9 . If frequency of a sound is more than pitch of that sound is:
(A) high                                     (B) low
(C) zero                                     (D) infinite we
Answer: if frequency of a sound is more than speech of that sound is also high.

Question 10. Voice of a friend is recognized by its :
(A) Pitch                                     (B) quality
(C) Intensity                               (D) velocity
Answer: voice of a friend is recognised by its quality.

Objective question :  Fill in the blanks
Question 1:  Loudness of sound wave is directly proportional to -------- amplitude
Answer: loudness of sound wave is directly proportional to square of amplitude

Question 2:  The sound energy transferred per unit area per unit time is called -------- of sound.
Answer: the sound energy transferred per unit area per unit time is called intensity of sound.

Question 3:  Pitch is the sensation  of the ---------- of an emitted sound.
Answer: which is the sensation of the frequency of an emitted sound.

Question 4:  A high pitch sound is called a ------ sound
Answer: are high pitch sound is called a shrill sound
Question 5:  When a body moves with a speed which is greater than the speed of sound in air, it is said to be travelling at --------------
Answer: when a body moves with a speed which is greater than the speed of sound in air, it is said to be travelling at Supersonic speed.
Question 6: A low pitch sound is called a -----------  sound.
Answer: a low pitch sound is called a hoarse sound.

Question 7. When sound waves travelling in air enter into the medium of water, ------- remains unchanged
Answer: when sound waves travelling in air enter into the medium of water, frequency  remain unchanged
Question 8: -----is an apparatus which is used to find the depth of a sea or to locate the under water things.
Answer: Sonar is an Apparatus which is used to find the depth of a sea or to locate the underwater things.

Question 9:
 Sound travels faster as the  ------------ of the medium increases by 0.61 m/s with every 1 deg C
  Answer: sound Travels faster as the temperature of the medium increases

Question 10: A sound wave of single frequency is called ---------
Answer: a sound wave of single frequency is called note
 MCQ Questions Class 8 Science Chapter Sound With Answers
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