NCERT Solution CH: Food Where Does It Come From? Class 6 CBSE

 NCERT Solution for Class 6th CH: Food where does it come from? Science
user ncert in india CH: food from where it come

Page No 6
Question 1:
Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?

Answer 1:
No. Different animals (such as herbivores, carnivores) eat different kinds of food since their body structure and internal organs as well as habitat are different. Depending on kind of food they eat, animals are divided into three basic types:

(i) Herbivores: The animals which eat only plants and plant products are called herbivores.
Examples: cow, goat, elephant, dear, etc.

(ii) Carnivores: The animals which eat flesh of other animals are called carnivores.
Examples: lion, tiger, fox, etc.

(iii) Omnivores: The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.
Examples: crow, cat, dog, etc.

Question 2:
Name five plants and their parts that we eat.

Answer 2:
Mango – Fruit
Potato – Stem
 Carrot – Root
 Spinach – Leaf
 Wheat – Seed
 Cauliflower – Flower

Question 3:
Match the items given in Column A with that in Column B

Column A                                                                       Column B      
Milk, curd, panner ghee                                             eat other animals      
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot                               eat plant and plants products      
Lions and tigers                                                          are vegetables      
Herbivores                                                            are all animal products  


Column A                                                                Column B      
Milk, curd, panner, ghee                             Are all animals products      
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot                                Are vegetables      
Lions and tigers                                              Eat other animals      
Harbivores                                             Eat plant and plants products   

Page No 7

Question 4:
Fill up the blanks with the words given:
herbivore, plant, milk, sugarcane, carnivore
(a) Tiger is a ____________________ because it eats only meat.
(b) Deer eats only plant products and so, is called ______________.
(c) Parrot eats only _________________ products.
(d) The ________________ that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an
animal product.
(e) We get sugar from ___________________.

Answer 4:
(a) Tiger is a carnivore because it eats only meat.
(b) Deer eats only plant products and so, is called herbivore.
(c) Parrot eats only plant products.
(d) The milk that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal
(e) We get sugar from sugarcane.

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