NCERT Science Class 8 || Ch 11 Force and Pressure Solution

 NCERT Science : Chapter 11 Force and Pressure question answer, worksheet problem, in pdf for class 8 Science.

State true or false

Question 1: Pressure in liquid decreases with depth.
Answer: false
Correct answer: pressure in liquid increases with depth.

Question 2: Like charges repel and unlike chare attract each other.
Answer: true.

Question 3: Magnetic pole attract magnetic substance like iron.
Answer: true.

Question 4:  A player kicking football is an example of a non contact force.
Answer: false.
Correct answer: a player kicking football is an example of a contact force.

Question 5: Liquid and gases do not exert pressure.
Answer: false.
Correct answer: liquid and gases both exert pressure.

NCERT Class 8 related Question :-

Fill in the blanks:
Question 1: A force can cause a change in ........ and .......... of an object.
Answer: a force can cause a change in state and direction of an object.

Question 2: Gases and Liquid are collectively called ............
Answer: gases and liquids are collectively called fluid.

Question 3: An interaction between two objects causes a ..........
Answer: an interaction between two objects causes a force.

Question 4: . Aneroid barometer does not use any ........
Answer: Aneroid barometer does not use any liquid.

Question 5: . Force applied by direct touching an object is called ..........  force.
Answer: force applied by direct touching an object is called contact force.

Question 6:  Atmospheric pressure is measured by using .............  is made by E. Torricelli.
Answer: atmospheric pressure is measured by using barometer is made by E Torricelli.

Question 7: Gravitational force is an example of ..... ........... force.
Answer: gravitational force is an example of non contact force.

Question 8: Air exerts pressure on the earth due to its ............
Answer: air exerts pressure on the Earth due to its weight.

Question 9: Liquid exerts pressure in ...........  direction.
Answer: liquid exerts pressure in all direction.

NCERT Solution :-
Match the column:
        Column A.                              Column B
(1) force between two         (i) air pressure
Charged body

(2)  Bloating of the   (ii) electrostatic force
tube of cycle tyre
(3) a force is applied   (iii) gravitational force
by touching.
(4) Earth revolving. (iv) pressure
around the sun
(5) force applied   (v) contact force
pet unit area

NCERT Text Book Similar Question Answer:-
Answer match the column:
(1) A between two charged body - electrostatic force
(2) Bloating of the tube of cycle tyre - air pressure.
(3) A force is applied by touching- contact force.
(4) Earth revolving around the sun- gravitational force.
(5) force applied per unit area- pressure.

NCERT Science : Chapter 11 Force and Pressure question answer
Question 1: why is a ball stops after moving some distance.
Answer: because frictional force Act at the surface of two bodies contact which oppose the motion.

Question 2: when an object thrown upward, it moves upward first but after sometime it falls downward - why?
Answer: because gravitational pull of Earth which attract the object downward.

Question 3: there is gravitational force at between you and your friend because both of you have mass. But they do not attract each other. Why?
Answer: gravitational force is noticeable when mass is much greater. Since we have lesser mass so gravitational force is negligible and we do not able to attract each other.

Question 4: people having high blood pressure, sweats a lot - why?
Answer: since blood pressure is high, so pressure of the fluid that is blood inside the body is greater than that Mussoorie pressure. As a result water is out from the body easily.

Question 5: Every square centimeter of our body experience atmospheric force equal to mass of 100kg that is enough to grind us. Then why do people cannot crushed by atmospheric pressure?

Answer: this is because there is pressure exerted by our body due to flow of blood that equalizes atmospheric pressure.

Question 6: when we rub our hair with comb it attract pieces of paper. Name the force and its nature.
Answer: the produce force is electrostatic force.
 It is generated when a charged body meets to another charged or by rubbing two uncharged body.

Question 6:. Why it is not easy to walk wearing high heels shoe?
Answer: the Heels of high heels shoes exert force on small area as a result pressure is much greater. So the hill of the shoes Mein sink in root cause uncomfortable to walk.
 NCERT Science : Chapter 11 Force and Pressure question answer
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