NCERT Magnetic Effect of Electric Current : Solution

NCERT Magnetic Effect of Electric Current : For class 10 text book question answer sample.
Why Does a compass needle get deflected when brought near a bar magnet?
The compass needle is a small bar magnet. When a compass needle is brought near a bar magnet then due to repulsive force between like poles and attraction between unlike poles, the compass needle is deflected. Finally the compass needle comes to rest in the direction of net magnetic field.

NCERT text book page number 228
Question 1: draw magnetic field lines around a bar magnet

ncert book page 228 solution draw magnetic field lines around a bar magnet

Question 2: list the properties of magnetic lines of force.
Answer (I) the magnetic lines of force originate from the north pole of a magnet and end at its south pole.
(II) the magnetic lines of course com closer to one another near the poles of a magnet but they are widely separated at other places.
(III) the magnetic lines of force do not intersect one another.
(IV) a magnetic field lion always points in the direction of magnetic field.

Question 3: why do not two magnetic lines of force intersect with each other?
Answer: no two magnetic field lines can never intersect each other. If they do, then it would mean that at the point of intersection there are two directions of magnetic field, which is not possible.
NCERT text book page 229 -230
Question 1 consider a circular loop of wire lying in the Plane of the table. Let the current pass through the loop clockwise. Apply the right hand rule to find out the direction of the magnetic field inside and outside of the loop question mark
Answer: the magnetic field lines have been shown in the given figure. As per right hand rule, we find that inside the loop the magnetic field lines are directed perpendicular to the plane of paper in the inword direction. outside the loop magnetic field lines are directed out of the plane of paper.
ncert text book solution 2018

Question 2: the magnetic field in a given region is uniform. Draw a diagram to represent it.
Answer: the uniform magnetic field is represented by parallel equally spaced lines of equal length.
Question 3: choose the correct option:
The magnetic field inside a long straight solenoid carrying current
(a) decreases as we move towards its end.
(b) increases as we move towards its end.
(c) is zero.
(d) is the same at all points.
Answer: (d)

NCERT text book page 231 to 232
Question 1: which of the following property of a Proton can change while it moves freely in a magnetic field? (There may be more than one correct answer.)
(a) mass. (b).  speed.    (c) velocity. (d) momentum.
Answer:  (c) velocity.  (d) momentum.

Question 2: a small aluminium rod AB is suspended horizontally from a stunt by the end of to connecting wires as shown in the figure given here. A horseshoe magnet is placed in such a way that North Pole of the magnet is vertically below and its south pole vertically above the aluminium rod. The aluminium rod is connected in series with a battery, a key and a rheostat. How do you think the displacement of rod AB will be affected if:
(I) current in road AB is increased?
(II) a stronger horseshoe magnet is used ?
(III) length of the road AB is increased?

text book question answer ncert solution

(I) who is current in road AB is increased the displacement of rod is increased as force acting on rod is directly proportional to current flowing through it. On increasing the current force on the conductor increases.
(II) a stronger magnet means stronger magnetic field. The displacement of rod will increase. Magnetic force is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength.
(III) displacement of conductor is increased with an increase in length of the conductor. on increasing the length more force will be acted on the conductor as force is directly proportional to the length of the conductor.
Question 3: a positively charged particle projected towards west is deflected towards north by a magnetic field is
(a) towards south.  ,(b) towards east, (c) download (d) upword.
Answer: (d) the positive charged particle is moving towards west that is the direction of current is towards west. The particle is deflected towards north so, the direction of force is towards north, show from Fleming's left hand the direction of force obtained will be awkward.

NCERT text book page 233
Question 1: state Fleming's left hand rule

Answer: Fleming's left hand rule states that," if com four finger and middle finger of left hand or stretched perpendicular to each other and first finger points in direction of magnetic field second finger points in the direction of current then thumb will point in the direction of motion or force acting on the conductor.

Question 2: What is the principle of electric motor?
Answer: an electric motor works on the principle that when a current carrying coil is placed in a magnetic field, a force acts on it and tends to rotate the coil.

Question 3: what is the role of split ring in an electric motor question mark
Answer: the split ring in an electric motor act as commutator it reverses the direction of current flowing through the armature coil.

NCERT text book page number 236
Question 1 : explain different ways to induced current in a coil?
(I) the current can be induced in a coil by rotating it in the magnetic field between the poles of a u shaped magnet.
(II) the current can be induced in the coil by Keeping It stationary and rotating a magnet inside it.
(III) the current can be induced in a coil by changing the current continuously in another coil kept near it.

NCERT book page 237
Question 1: state the principle of an electric generator.
Answer: the electric generator works on the principle that when a straight conductor is moved in a magnetic field, the current is induced in the conductor.

Question 2: name some sources of direct current.
Answer: car battery, solar cell, dry cell.

Question 3: which sources produce alternating current?
Answer: car alternator, A.C generators, bicycle dynamos.

Question 4: choose the correct option:
A rectangular coil of copper wire is rotated in a magnetic field. The direction of the induced current charges once in each:
(I) 2 revolutions. (II) one revolution. (III) half revolution (IV) one fourth revolution.
Answer: (III) half revolution.

NCERT page 238
Question 1: name two safety measures commonly used in electric circuits and appliances.
Answer: (I) at where ant (ii) fuse wire

Question 2: an electric oven of 2 kilowatt power rating is operated in a domestic electric circuit (220V) that has a current rating of 5 ampere. What result do you expect? Explain.
Answer: when a high power rating appliance is operated in a 5 ampere current rating circuit, a large amount of heat is produced in the circuit. This leads to possible melting of insulation cover of wires anthills of short circuit. If a fuse is used in the circuit, the fuse wire Nails and the circuit is broken.

What precautions should be taken to avoid the overloading of domestic electric circuits?
(I) never connect too many appliances in a single socket.
(II) A fused of appropriate current rating should be used in the circuits.

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